Small Industry

List of Articles
Small Industry

The Role of Labour-Intensive Sectors in Japanese Industrialization

Title: Bibliography
Author: -
Publisher: United Nations University Press
Published Year: 1991
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Fujita Keizo. "Osaka-shi ni okeru shitaukesei no chosa" (Survey on subcontract systems in Osaka City), I, II. Shakai Seisaku Jiho, nos. 7, 8, 1939.
――. Nihon sangyo kozo to chusho kogyo (Japan's industrial structure and SMIs). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 1965.
Gerschenkron, A. Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1966.
Kikuura Shigeo. Meiji shoki no garasu kogyo no keifu (History of the glass industry in the early Meiji era). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-20J/UNUP-69. Tokyo, United Nations University Press, 1979.
Nakamura Hideichiro, Kiyonari Tadao et al. Gendai chusho kigyo shi (History of modern SMIs). Tokyo, Nihon Keizai Shimbun Sha, 1971.
Okawa Kazushi, and H. Rosovsky. Nihon no keizai seicho (Japan's economic growth). Tokyo, Toyo Keizai Shinposha, 1973.
Takechi Kyozo. Waga kuni botan sangyoshi no hitokoma (Development of the button-making industry). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-14J/UNUP-34. Tokyo, United Nations University Press, 1979.
――. Waga kuni kakedokei seizo no tenkai to keitai (The evolution and structure of the clock-making industry in Japan). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-40J/UNUP-213. Tokyo, United Nations University Press, 1980.
Takeuchi Johzen. Keiseiki no waga kuni jitensha sangyo. (The Formation of the Japanese Bicycle Industry: A Preliminary Analysis of the Infrastructure of the Japanese Machine Industry, HSDRJE-39/UNUP-241, 1981). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-39J/UNUP-212. Tokyo, United Nations University Press, 1980.
――. Sho kaiso to sono doko" (Various social strata and their trends). In The Society of Socio-economic History, ed., Sen kyuhyaku sanju nendai no Nihon keizai (The Japanese economy in the 1930s). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 1982.
――. Toshi-gata chusho kogyo no noson kogyoka (Agro-industrialization of Urban-based Small Industries, HSDRJE-15/UNUP-92, 1982). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-15J/UNUP-35. Tokyo, United Nations University Press, 1979.
Ueda Tatsuzo. Gankyo sangyo no hattatsu (The Development of the Eyeglass Industry in Japan, HSDRJE-16/UNUP-98, 1979). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-16J/UNUP-36. Tokyo, United Nations University Press, 1979.
――. Jitensha sangyo no hattatsu (The Development of the Bicycle Industry in Japan after World War II, HSDRJE-38/UNUP-224, 1981). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-38J/UNUP-211. Tokyo, United Nations University Press, 1980.
Umemura Mataji. "Yugyoshasu no shin suikei" (New estimate of the number of people having occupations). Hitotsubashi University Economic Research Institute, Keizai Kenkyu 19(4)(1968):322-329.
Ushio Shinzo. Chusho kigyo ron (Treatise on small enterprises). In keiei keizai gaku taikei (Outline of business economics), Book 10. Tokyo, Mikasa Shobo, 1951.
Yamanaka Tokutaro. Nihon sangyo kozo no kenkyu (A study of the industrial structure of Japan). Tokyo, Yuhikaku, 1944.
Yui Tsunehiko. Chusho kigyo seisaku no shiteki kenkyu (An historical study of small enterprise policy). Tokyo, Toyo Keizai Shinposha, 1964.

Chapter 1

Dai Nippon Sangyo Chosakai, ed. Dai Nippon sangyo soran (Survey of industry in Japan). Tokyo, 1914.
Furushima Toshio, and Nagahara Keiji. Shohin seisan to kisei jinushi sei (Commodity production and parasitic land ownership). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 1954.
Hiroshima Prefectural Office. Kenka shuyo fukugyo seisanhin keizai shuyo shijo ni okeru fukugyohin torihiki jokyo chosa (Survey on transactions in main markets for major sideline products in Hiroshima Prefecture). Hiroshima, 1926.
Kagawa Prefectural Office, Labour Standards Bureau. Botan seizogyo jittai chosa kekka hokokusho (Report on the findings of a survey of the state of the button manufacturing industry). Takamatsu, 1959.
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Agricultural Affairs Bureau. "Bungyoteki shokogyo ni kansuru chosa" (Survey on the division of labour in small industries), 196-203. Tokyo, 1929. Manuscript.
Ministry of Finance. Gaikoku boeki nempyo (Annual tables of foreign trade). Editions for pertinent years.
Nakamura Akira. Meiji ishin no kiso kozo (Basic structure of the Meiji Restoration). Tokyo, Miraisha, 1968.
Taiseikai, ed. Dai Nippon no jitsugyo (Japanese industry). Tokyo, 1908.
Tokyo Prefectural Office, Education Department, Social Affairs Section. Shokugyo chosa (Occupational survey), no. 4. Tokyo, 1935.
Tsuda Hideo. Hoken keizai seisaku no tenkai to shijo kozo (Development of feudal economic policies and market structure). Tokyo, Ochanomizu Shobo, 1961.
Wakayama Prefectural Office, Smaller Enterprises Guidance Centre. Tanabe chiho botan sanchi shindan hokokusho (Report on a diagnosis of button-producing areas in the Tanabe region). Wakayama, 1974.

Chapter 2

Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce. Juyo yushutsuhin ni kansuru chosa (Survey on important export goods). Tokyo, 1924.
――. Juyo yushutsuhin yoran (Survey on important export goods). Tokyo, 1905.
Osaka Municipal Office. Osaka-shi kanai kogyo chosa (Survey on domestic industries in Osaka City). Osaka, 1941.
Tokyo Municipal Office. Sho kogyo chosa (Survey on small industries). Tokyo, 1936.

Chapter 3

Ariga Rokuro. Shohin no henka to torihiki no hensen shi (History of changes in commodities and development of transactions). Tokyo, Kyodo Kumiai Tokyo Ton'ya Domei, 1968.
Asahi Isoshi. "Eikoku meriyasu gyo jotai" (Conditions of the British knit-fabric industry). Yushutsu Meriyasu Iho. January 1936.
――. "Eikoku ni okeru meriyasu kogyo no kigyo soshiki no genjo to sono taisaku" (Current situation of the corporate organization in the British knit-fabric industry and steps taken in that connection). Shakai Seisaku Jiho. January 1937.
Bank of Japan, Research Bureau. Tokyo-shi oyobi sono fukin ni okeru kogyo keiei no gairan (Outline of industrial enterprises in Tokyo City and its vicinity). Tokyo, 1917.
Editorial Committee for the History of the Japanese Sewing Machine Industry. Nihon mishin sangyo shi (History of the Japanese sewing machine industry). Tokyo, Shadan Hojin Nihon Mishin Kyokai, 1961.
Editorial Committee for the 70-Year History of Toyo Spinning. Toyo Boseki 70-nen shi (70-year history of Toyo Spinning). Osaka, Toyo Spinning Company, 1953.
Fujimoto Masayoshi. Nihon meriyasu shi (History of knit fabrics in Japan). Tokyo, Kuriyama Yasuhei Shoten, 1934.
Greater East Asia Textile Research Society. Nihon senshoku kogyo hattatsu shi (History of development of the dyeing and weaving industries in Japan). Volume on Kanto, Tohoku regions. Tokyo, Nisshin Sha, 1943.
Horie Hidekazu. "Meriyasu gyo no seisan keitai - Kikai-sei dai kogyo jidai no toiyasei kogyo no ichi kenkyu" (Organization of production in the knit-fabric industry: A study on an industry under a putting-out system in the age of large mechanized industries). Keizai Ronso (Kyoto University) 48, no. 2 (1939), pp. 86-98.
Ichikawa Hirokatsu et al. Koza chusho kigyo (Series of lectures on small enterprises). Vol. 1. Tokyo, Yuhikaku, 1960.
ndustrial Bank of Japan, Research Section. Wagakuni meriyasu seizo gyo no genkyo (Current situation of the knit-fabric manufacturing industry in Japan). Tokyo, 1931.
Iwai Sangyo Co., Ltd., ed. Iwai 100-nen shi (A 100-year history of Iwai). Tokyo, Iwai Sangyo Co., Ltd., 1964.
Janome Sewing Machine Co., Ltd. Janome Mishin sogyo 50-nen shi (A 50-year history of Janome Sewing Machine). Tokyo, 1971.
"Kagawa ken no tebukuro sangyo" (The glove industry in Kagawa Prefecture). Manuscript in the possession of the Japan Association of Glove Manufacturers. N.d.
Kaneko Yojiro, ed. Fukusuke Tabi no 60-nen (60 years of Fukusuke Tabi). Osaka, Fukusuke Tabi Company, 1942.
Komiyama Takuji. Nihon chusho kogyo kenkyu (Study on Japanese SMIs). Tokyo, Chuo Koron Sha, 1941.
Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce. Orimono oyobi meriyasu ni kansuru chosa (Survey on woven and knit fabrics). Tokyo, 1915.
Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, Commerce and Industry Bureau. Boseki kogyo narabini zatsu kogyo ni oyoboshitaru jikyoku no eikyo (Influences of the state of affairs on the spinning industry and miscellaneous industries). Tokyo, 1920.
Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, Commercial Affairs Bureau. Kogyosha no kin'yu ni kansuru chosa (Survey on finance to manufacturers). Tokyo, 1915.
Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, Industrial Affairs Bureau, ed. Shuyo kogyo gairan (Introduction to he major industries). Tokyo, Seisan Chosa Kai, 1912.
Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Kogyo chosa iho (Bulletin of industrial surveys). Tokyo, 1933.
Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Foreign Trade Bureau. Naigai shijo ni okeru hompo yushutsu meriyasu seihin no torihiki jotai (Situation of transactions of Japanese knit-fabric products in both domestic and overseas markets). Tokyo, 1931.
Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Enterprise Bureau. Juyo shohin no ryutsu kiko (Marketing mechanisms of major commodities). Tokyo, 1950.
Miyake Tokudo. Nihon meriyasu zensho (Japanese encyclopedia of knit fabrics). Tokyo, Nihon Meriyasu Zensho Kanko Kai, 1923.
Mukaida Teisuke, ed. Tokyo Orimono Don'ya Dogyo Kumiai shi oboegaki (Notes on the history of the Tokyo Woven Fabric Wholesalers Association). Tokyo, Tokyo Orimono Oroshi Shogyo Kumiai, 1963.
Ono Takeo. Shobai orai fuzoku shi (Records of manners and customs of business transactions). Reference Materials on Manners and Customs in Edo, vol. 9. Tokyo, Tembo Sha, 1975.
Osaka Asahi Shimbun, Economic Department, ed. Warera no ikita fukugyo o kataru (Stories of sideline jobs we lived on). Osaka, 1931.
Osaka Municipal Office. Meriyasu oroshi gyo no genjo (Current situation of knit-fabric wholesaling). Research Findings on Small Commercial and Industrial Enterprises by Osaka City, part 2. Osaka, 1940.
Osaka Municipal Office, Economic Affairs Bureau, Commerce and Industry Section. Osaka no meriyasu kogyo (The knit-fabric industry in Osaka). Reference Materials on Export Industries, part 3.
Osaka Municipal Office, Research Section. Rodo chosa hokoku, dai san shu (Report on labour surveys, book 3). Osaka, 1919.
Osaka Municipal Office, Social Affairs Department, Labour Section. Osaka shi naishoku chosa - Meriyasu kako (Survey on sideline work in Osaka City: Knit-fabric processing). Report by the Social Affairs Department, no. 157. Osaka, 1932.
Osaka Municipal University, Economic Research Institute. Osaka ni okeru naishoku to hiyatoi no jittai (The situation of sideline work and day-to-day employment in Osaka). Osaka, 1954.
Sakai Municipal Office, Sakai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sakai Social Work Association. Naishoku oyobi fukugyo chosa (Survey on domestic work and sideline jobs). Sakai, 1929.
Sato Yoritsune, and Yabe Michinori. Edo no shoshiki fuzoku shi (Records of manners and customs of arious occupations in Edo). Tokyo, Tembo Sha, 1975.
Secretariat to the Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, Statistical Division. Sangyo shocho gairan (Outline of rises and falls of industries). Tokyo, 1912.
Takeuchi Johzen. "Toshi-gata chusho kogyo no toiyasei-teki saihen ni tsuite" (On the reorganization of urban SMIs under the putting-out system), I,II,III. Seikei Ronso (Hiroshima University, Faculty of Political Science and Economics) 25, nos. 1 and 2; 26, no. 2 (1975, 1976).
Tokyo Municipal Office. Toiyasei sho kogyo chosa (Survey on small industries under the putting-out system). Tokyo, 1936.
Yamamoto Yasujiro. Meriyasu kogyo ni kansuru chosa (Survey on the knit-fabric industry). Tokyo, Engineering Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, 1923.
Yokoyama-cho/Bakuro-cho Federation of Wholesalers, ed. Nihombashi Yokoyama-cho Bakuro-cho shi (History of Yokoyama-cho and Bakuro-cho in Nihombashi). Tokyo, 1952.

Chapter 4

Adachi Masao. Omi shonin no bekka seido (The family branching system of Omi merchants). Kyoto, Yukon Sha, 1959.
Commercial and Industrial Economics Research Group of Osaka Prefecture, Osaka Prefectural Institute of Research in Commercial and Industrial Economics. Osaka ni okeru jitensha sangyo no jittai - Seisan hen (The situation of the bicycle industry in Osaka: Volume on production). Osaka, 1954.
Committee for Cultural Projects to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of Japan's Opening to Foreign Intercourse. Meiji bunka shi (Cultural history of the Meiji Period), vol. 10. Tokyo, Kangensha, 1955.
Cooperative Association of Bicycle Manufacturers and Wholesalers of Aichi Prefecture. 20 nen no ayumi (20-year development). Nagoya, 1974.
Economic Stabilization Headquarters, Natural Resources Research Council. Niihama kogyo chitai chosa hokokusho (Survey report on the Niihama Industrial Zone). Tokyo, 1962.
Editorial Committee for the Japanese Police. Nihon no keisatsu (Japanese police). Tokyo, 1968.
Fujita Keizo, ed. Shitauke sei kogyo (The subcontracting industries). Tokyo, Yuhika-ku, 1943.
Fujita Keizo, and Kanemochi Ichiro. Nihon no chusho kigyo (SMIs in Japan). Tokyo, Nihon Hyoron Shinsha, 1955.
Fukuoka Prefectural Office, Economic Stabilization Headquarters. Naogata-shi tetsu kogyo sogo shindansho (Comprehensive evaluation of the iron industry in Naogata City). Tokyo, 1960.
Hattori Shotaro. Meiji no Nagoya (Nagoya in the Meiji period). Tokyo, Taibundo, 1968.
Ito Kyozo. "Jitensha sangyo no shorai to sono mondaiten" (The bicycle industry, its future and problems).
Manuscript in the possession of Jitensha Sangyo Shinkokai, Tokyo. N.d.
Izumiya Katsumi. "Jitensha kogyo no jittai" (The situation of the bicycle industry). Osaka Keidai Ronshu, no. 12 (1954), pp. 180-203.
Japan Association of Bicycle Tyre Manufacturers. Nihon jitensha taiya kogyo shi (History of the bicycle tyre industry in Japan). Tokyo, 1961.
Japan Bicycle Inspection Society. Zaidan Hojin Nihon Jitensha Kensa Kyokai 20-nen shi (A 20-year history of the Japan Bicycle Inspection Society). Tokyo, 1969.
Japan Human Science Society. Kindai ko-kogyo to chiiki shakai no tenkai (Modern mining and manufacturing industries and the development of local communities). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 1955.
"Jitensha gaku" (The science of bicycles). Manuscript in the possession of Jitensha Sangyo Shinkokai, Tokyo. N.d.
Kajinishi Mitsuhaya, Iwao Hirozumi, Kobayashi Yoshio, and Ito Taikichi, eds. Koza chusho kigyo (Lectures on small- and medium-scale industries), vol. 1. Tokyo, Yuhikaku, 1960.
Kanto Byonejikugi Kogyo Kyodo Kumiai. Kambyo yonjusshunen no ayumi (40-year development of the Association). Tokyo, 1978.
Kobayashi Masaaki. "Nihon kikai kogyo Karakuri Gizaemon" (Karakuri Gizaemon and the Japanese machine industries). Keizaikei (The Economics Society of Kanto Gakuin University), no. 82, pp. 59-70.
Matsushita Electric Industry Co., Ltd. Matsushita Denki 50 nen no ryaku-shi (A summarized 50-year history of Matsushita Electric). Osaka, 1968.
――. Sogyo 35-nen shi (A 35-year history since the company's founding). Osaka, 1953.
Matsushita Konosuke. Watakushi no ikikata, kangaekata (My way of life and thinking). Tokyo, Ishokuju Shuppan, 1954.
Meiji Kogyo Kai. Meiji kogyo shi - Kikai hen (History of industry in the Meiji period - Volume on machinery). Tokyo, 1930.
Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, Industrial Affairs Bureau. Shuyo kogyo gairan (Outline of major industries). Tokyo, 1912.
――. Kogyo no gaiyo (Outline of industry). Tokyo, 1924.
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Agricultural Affairs Bureau. Bungyo-teki sho kogyo ni kansuru chosa (Survey on specialized small industries). Tokyo, 1931.
Ministry of Finance, Budget Bureau. Kaisen go ichijirushiku yushutsunyu o zogen shitaru buppin no gaikyo (General situation of commodity items whose exports or imports have increased or decreased significantly since the outbreak of the war). Tokyo, 1918.
Motomura Yasuichi, ed. Shibaura Seisakusho 65-nen shi (A 65-year history of Shibaura Seisakusho). Tokyo, Shibaura Seisakusho, 1940.
Murakami Taro. "Sakai no jitensha" (Bicycles in Sakai). Keizai Hyoron (February 1954), pp. 69-78.
Nagoya Rinkai Shimbun Sha. Jitensha no joshiki (Common knowledge on bicycles). Nagoya, 1951.
Nakagome Kiyoshi. "Aru rojin no kyoshu" (An old man's nostalgia). Privately distributed. N.d.
Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun Sha, ed. Zairyo seihin kogyo tokuhon (Textbook on the materials and products industries). Tokyo, 1936.
Noritsu Bicycle Co., Ltd. Noritsu go no shoshi (A brief history of Noritsu bicycles). Manuscript in the possession of Jitensha Sangyo Shinkokai, Tokyo. N.d.
Osaka Municipal Office. Osaka-shi chusho shogyosha no genjo (The current situation of small merchants in Osaka City). Osaka, 1940.
Osaka Municipal Office, Social Affairs Department, Research Section. Joyatoi rodosha no seikatsu (The life of full-time employed workers). Osaka, 1922.
Osaka Municipal University, Economic Research Institute. Osaka ni okeru tekko gyo, men orimono kogyo no jittai (The situation of the iron and steel industry and the cotton-weaving industry in Osaka). Osaka, 1953.
Osaka Prefectural Institute of Research in Commercial and Industrial Economics. Jitensha kogyo no teitaisei to kozoteki henka (Stagnation and structural changes in the bicycle industry). Osaka, 1961.
――. Kikai kogyo ni okeru chusho kigyo no saihen katei (Reorganization process of small enterprises inthe mechanical industry). Osaka, 1962.
――. Osaka keizai no ugoki (Trends in the Osaka economy), no. 25. Osaka, 1954.
Osaka Prefectural Office, Industrial Affairs Department. Osaka-fu kogyo gaiyo (Outline of industry in Osaka Prefecture). Osaka, 1923.
Osaka Prefectural Office, Industrial Affairs Department, Engineering Section. Osaka-fu kinkan kogyo ichiran (Summary of the metal pipe industry in Osaka Prefecture). Osaka, 1924.
Ritsumeikan University, Institute for the Humanities. Kagyo (Family trade). Kyoto, 1957.
Sakai Municipal Office, Sakai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sakai Social Work Society. Naishoku oyobi fukugyo chosa (Survey on domestic work and sideline employment). Sakai, 1929.
Sakudo Yotaro, ed. Showa Kyoho no keiei (Business administration in the Showa-Kyoho years). Tokyo, Diamond Sha, 1978.
Secretariat of the Osaka Association of Bicycle Dealers. Osaka Jitensha Sho Kumiajin meibo (Membership list of the Osaka Association of Bicycle Dealers). Osaka, 1918.
Seibu Rinkai Shimbun Sha, ed. Semman rinkai yoroku (Digest of the bicycle industry in Korea and Manchuria). Fukuoka, 1936.
Shimano Kogyo Co., Ltd. Shimano Kogyo 50 nen no ayumi (50-year development of Shimano Industries). Tokyo, Diamond Sha, 1941.
Study Group in Industrial Economics. Nihon no kojo (Japanese factories). Tokyo, Doyu Sha, 1949.
Takeuchi Johzen. "Jitensha gyokai sogyosha chosa" (Survey of founders of the Japanese bicycle industry). Keizai Ronso (Hiroshima University, Faculty of Economics), vol. 4, no. 2 (1980), pp. 39-70.
Tokyo Kangyo Hakurankai shinsa hokoku (Jury report for the Tokyo Industrial Exposition), vol. 4 (1907).
Tokyo Municipal Office, Commerce and Industry Section. Dai Tokyo boeki gaikyo (The general situation of foreign trade of Greater Tokyo). Tokyo, 1930.
Tokyo Municipal Office, Social Affairs Bureau. Tokyo shinai naishoku chosa (Survey on sideline work in Tokyo City). Tokyo, 1929.
Tokyo Prefectural Office, Education Department, Social Affairs Section. Shokugyo chosa (Occupational survey), vol. 3 (Tokyo, 1934). Tokyo Shibaura Electric Co., Ltd., General Planning Department, Corporate History Editorial Section. Tokyo Shibaura Denki Kabushiki Kaisha 85-nen shi (85-year history of Tokyo Shibaura Electric Co., Ltd.). Tokyo, 1963.
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"Waga kuni no jitensha kogyo ni tsuite" (On the bicycle industry of Japan). Kin'yu Joho (Nippon Kangyo Bank, Research Department), vol. 8, no. 11(1955), pp. 28-57.
Watanabe Shujiro. Jitensha jutsu (Cycling techniques). Tokyo, Shonen En, 1896.
Yokohama Municipal Office. Yokohama-shi shi - Fuzoku hen (History of Yokohama City - Volume on popular customs). Yokohama, 1932.
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Chapter 5

Robbins, L. "The Dynamics of Capitalism." Economica 6, no. 16 (1926), pp. 31-39.
Takahashi Kamekichi. Takahashi keizai riron keisei no 60 nen (60 years of the formation of Takahashi's economic theory), vol. 1. Tokyo, Toshi Keizai Sha, 1976.